Field Trip Request Instructions:
The following information will guide you through the Field Trip Request process. The information we request will help us ensure that your trip is booked correctly.
Destination: Field Trip requests must include the following:
Your school address or start point of the Field Trip.
The business or school name and address for your destination.
If there is any additional information that will assist the school bus or charter bus driver find your destination, please make a note of the request form.
Field Trip departure and return times: It is very important to note accurate departure and return times. If there is a change that needs to be made for either the departure or return, contact our dispatch department so that they can make those changes for you as well as for our drivers.
We make every effort to have the school bus at your location 15 minutes prior to departure; this allows adequate time for loading equipment and passengers. The bus needs to depart as scheduled. If your group does not meet at the designated area at the departure time, it could put the bus at risk of being pulled from your school.
Confirmation: When AVSTA receives your Field Trip request we will process and create an Acceptance/Confirmation form that will be emailed to the point of contact. Please carefully review the Acceptance/Confirmation form, sign it, and email it back to us with 72 hours.
Any changes after the Acceptance/Confirmation Form has been signed and returned must be made in writing.
By email: please reference the Field Trip number, located at the top left of the Acceptance/Confirmation form. Email to
Cancellations: If you need to cancel your Field Trip, we request that notice is given to AVSTA within 48 hours of departure. All cancellations must be done in writing, simply write “CANCEL” across the Acceptance/Confirmation form, sign, and email the page back to our Trip Clerk.
If a bus is canceled at the time of your scheduled departure, your school will be charged for the driver’s guaranteed hours.
Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency provides Field Trip buses for over 50 schools in the Antelope Valley. AVSTA averages 3,000 trips per school year. Destinations from Antelope Valley include San Diego, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Arizona, and as far north as Stockton, California. We have used as many as 40 (forty) buses for a single trip.
AVSTA Bus Drivers must attend special classes in order to be qualified to drive on Field Trips. The class includes a written test as well as an out-of-town driving test.
Charter Bus Companies are utilized for Field Trips when needed.